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Jun 30, 2020

The gang is back and a bit out of sorts. Doc is pissed off. Sam is on a whiskey kick because it is more fun on his meds. Pierre actually has stuff to talk about. Stupid people doing stupid things. Get in touch at Thanks for listening.

Jun 19, 2020

The gang is back and not quite as pissed as last podcast. Stupid shit that is happening around the country. More Chinese snacks. Just a general good time and the guys having dumb conversations. Get in touch at Thanks for listening.

Jun 17, 2020

The gang is back and pissed off. Doc goes off on a rant about all the shit he hates then lets the newer listeners hear the tale of Doc. Sam wants Slim Harpo's guitar. Pierre has a nice cup of tea. Get in touch at Thanks for listening.

Jun 10, 2020

The gang is back and trying to podcast. The guys say fuck it and just let you hear how they are trying to make this distance thing work. Sam tries to work two mice his phone and the mixing board all at the same time. Doc has to time and react to things he cannot hear or see. Pierre has a nice cup of tea. Get in touch at...

Jun 9, 2020

The gang is back and are not too happy. All the fucked up shit that is happening. Doc has enough when he sees a 75 year old man get police. Pierre has more Chinese smack food. Get in touch at Thanks for listening.