Oct 27, 2016
The gang is back and barely standing. the first break gets deleted...Sam's fault, so they endeavor the perservere. Amusing conversation that meanders into stream of ...I don't remember. Dane does The News. Call the comment line at (337) 366-1606. Thanks for listening.
Oct 23, 2016
The gang is back and drunkenly stumbling through another podcast. This show is the bomb...etc. Keith gets pizza. Dane plats a gig opening for a touring band. The Thieves of Sunrise...Sam likes Dane does not. They gave Dane a shirt. Keith ready to start work on his house. Call the comment line at (337) 366-1606....
Oct 20, 2016
The gang is back and still drinking. Keith, Sam , and Dane keep talking about things they know nothing about. Like always. Call the comment line at (337) 366-1606. Thanks for listening.
Oct 16, 2016
The gang is back and drinking away a very bad week. It has been a very bad week for everyone. Corey Feldman does Today again. The coyote does exist. The anger starts to drink itself away about thirty in. Though not a happy show it turned out pretty funny. Call the comment line at (337) 366-1606. Thanks for listening.
Oct 13, 2016
The gang is back and hitting it just a bit harder. Ville Platte Dane's Mom is OK. Dane is a Mouth Breather. Halloween. No grabbing the pussy on Fox News. Dane does The News. Call the comment line at (377) 366-1606. Thanks for listening.