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Jan 29, 2009

Sam and Doc have a little Jameson and Sam tries the beer Tony sent. Doc does the news, we talk about bizarre local food stuffs and a bit of David Lee Roth. We also show a dislike for insurance companies because they suck. Comment line is (206) 309-7308. Leave a comment here and visit Thanks for listening.

Jan 27, 2009

Sam and Doc talk about Sam's odd affinity with the band Starz, a little wine bottle fun in Doc News, and our favorite albums. Call the comment line at (206) 309-7308. Visit and leave a review on itunes. Thanks for listening.

Jan 21, 2009

Doc gets pissed at the Pentagon and decides to throw his hat into the ring for 2012. We hear an ad for the virtues of tequila, and hear a story of a fecal airline passenger. We also discuss drug addled concert experiences. Call the comment line at (206) 309-7308 and visit

Jan 19, 2009

Doc gets a new theme song and talks about intimate moments with Elrod. Gifts from Tony B and Jake get opened... and there was much rejoicing.Call the  comment line at (206) 309-7308. Visit Thanks for listening.

Jan 13, 2009

Doc tries his best to be coherent...but only gains the bronze. There is some Ask Dr. Doc, stories from Mexico, and Doc News that is almost understandable...will Doc let us end the show? Call the comment line at (206) 309-7308. Visit Thanks for listening.