Dec 30, 2010
The gang is back and continue with the slow decline. There is some Stats and Facts. Doc tells the story of his first day in the Marines. They try some Ask Dr. Doc but all of the questions got mixed up so Sam doesn't know which he had used and the ones he didn't. The guy's were just happy that all the stuff was...
Dec 27, 2010
The gang gathers to drink through one failure after another. Skype freezes the computer, cables go bad, and thats before the podcast even starts. After tracing and fixing a buzz the guys try to quickly go through everything stored on the laptop just in case Skype goes haywire again. There is a plethora of bad bands and...
Dec 23, 2010
The gang is back and still celebrating Christmas. Ther is more untraditional Christmas tunes. Doc does his News and Ask Dr.Doc. The guys listen to the worst band ever. Larry surfs porn during the podcast. There is some obits, and thankfully to at least two people, Larry King retires from TV and the podcast...until he...
Dec 20, 2010
The gang gathers for a fermented liquid Christmas. There is a little gift giving and a lot of conversation. Pierre fails his driving test. Alice Cooper finally makes it into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. Larry Skypes in to say Merry Christmas and let us know he survived the big storm. Sam no longer wants to bone...
Dec 16, 2010
The gang is back and there is no end in sight to the drinking. Pierre's hair is still cut. Doc gets to some News and Stats and Facts. Sam calls Bullshit on some Louisiana 5th graders and their science project. Larry and Curtis Skype in to take part in the sillyness. Finally Louisiana outlaws Sharia Law...because there...